Hello ppl at Theory 11.
I have said it before in some of my other posts in the Cardisty/Flourishing forum that im quite new to the art that is Flourishing. I have watched all the vidoes that i could get my hands on and for everyone i watch i get more and more fachinated by the art. And i really want to learn it well.
But I was wondering if there ever is a group of ppl that live in Stockholm that do like sessions once a month or so that a newcommer and an "outsider" of the community at large can become apart of? I would like it very much if someone could give tips and pointers in real life insteed of just a forum. (dont get me wrong, i love this forum and i spend alot of time every day on it , and it has helped me alot)
I there is some ppl out there please contact me by a private message of some sort. Or just awnser here.
Thank you very much.
I have said it before in some of my other posts in the Cardisty/Flourishing forum that im quite new to the art that is Flourishing. I have watched all the vidoes that i could get my hands on and for everyone i watch i get more and more fachinated by the art. And i really want to learn it well.
But I was wondering if there ever is a group of ppl that live in Stockholm that do like sessions once a month or so that a newcommer and an "outsider" of the community at large can become apart of? I would like it very much if someone could give tips and pointers in real life insteed of just a forum. (dont get me wrong, i love this forum and i spend alot of time every day on it , and it has helped me alot)
I there is some ppl out there please contact me by a private message of some sort. Or just awnser here.
Thank you very much.