Any sessions in Stockholm?

Sep 2, 2007
Stockholm Sweden
Hello ppl at Theory 11.
I have said it before in some of my other posts in the Cardisty/Flourishing forum that im quite new to the art that is Flourishing. I have watched all the vidoes that i could get my hands on and for everyone i watch i get more and more fachinated by the art. And i really want to learn it well.

But I was wondering if there ever is a group of ppl that live in Stockholm that do like sessions once a month or so that a newcommer and an "outsider" of the community at large can become apart of? I would like it very much if someone could give tips and pointers in real life insteed of just a forum. (dont get me wrong, i love this forum and i spend alot of time every day on it , and it has helped me alot)

I there is some ppl out there please contact me by a private message of some sort. Or just awnser here.

Thank you very much.
You should've discovered it a year and a half earlier. Then you could've joined us all at the Sergel Plaza hotel at the end of July/beginning of August 2006 for sessions with some of the most awesome magicians in the world, including Guy Hollingworth, Derren Brown, Ricky Smith, etc.. plus, some of the most top notch flourishers on this site and Decknique too, including Jordan Lapping, Jonas, Chris, Erik, and a few more.

(I was the guy 'responsible' for the FISM video floating around. I think it even made its way on the media system here. woah. Probably from Decknique.)
Sep 2, 2007
Stockholm Sweden
I know :D
I watched the video like 3 of 4 times and i really regret not "discorvering" flourishing earlier:D
But i just took a shot here wondering if there is some ppl that meet some times and just sit and talk and session.


cardistry moderator / t11
Aug 31, 2007
while on the subject ... both Jonas and Erik are from Sweden ... dunno if they have a monthly get together though

Yeah, we're from Sweden, but we only meet a few times a year. Living 4 hours apart makes meeting up really difficult. I am in Karlstad, which is on the west side of Sweden, while Stockholm is on the right. Then Jonas is down south in Jönköping. So yeah, we live as far away from each other as possible.

Johan, I'll contact you next time I plan on going to Da Capital.

Sep 2, 2007
Stockholm Sweden
Erik that would be really cool.

As for MW... i hope i can come there. I really wanna go but my "budget" restrict me from going. just bought a stupid thing like a car ;)

But i will try and come. But the Hotell precies are really huge... 900 kronor per night for a singel room.
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Sep 2, 2007
Erik that would be really cool.

As for MW... i hope i can come there. I really wanna go but my "budget" restrict me from going. just bought a stupid thing like a car ;)

But i will try and come. But the Hotell precies are really huge... 900 kronor per night for a singel room.


The main reason I go to Magic Weekend is to hang out. The convention itself is more like icing on the cake in my opinion. If you want to, you can drive to Lund, stay in the hotel and hang out with everyone as much as you like, and if you're persistent enough, you can stay awake for the entire convention without needing any hotel room. :)

Otherwise, you could just come down there on Saturday and go back home on Sunday or something like that, but my point is, it doesn't really have to get expensive if you're just wanting to hang out with people with the same interests.

And in case you're one of those narcoleptic people, just drive somewhere safe and sleep for a few hours in the car.
Sep 2, 2007
Stockholm Sweden
Well really if i think about it... i have a friend that lives in lund.... i could sleep at his place and just drive down.... that something to think about^^

And i am kinda presitant:D Old gaming habits i guess:D
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