Bicycle Limited Edition Series #2 Review

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Overall - 8/10
Stock - 5/10
Finish - 5/10 (Air Cushion)
Durability - 5/10
Design - 9/10
Magic - 5/10
XCM - 9/10


I LOVE this deck. I happened to stumble upon it at Walmart the other day. I grabbed 4 decks of the nearly 30 there. A few minutes later, when I returned for more, they were all gone. I am personally a little tired of "innovation" with card design when all people do is make red, black, and white decks. This deep Navy is a VERY refreshing design. I love the spread wings. The design on this deck instantly drove it home to near the top of my all time favorite deck list.

That having been said, let us observe more closely. This is a standard Bicycle stock with a standard Bicycle finish. There is no magic in these cards aside from the design. The borderless back can cause issues if you aren't clever enough to avoid those situations. It is still a cheap ($2.95) deck that has a perfectly standard Bicycle face (except new jokers, as shown.) This lends to ease of use in magic. For XCM, the very different front and back lend to beautiful visuals. The design simple rocks in the XCM world. Fans aren't amazing looking, but neither are Bike fans normally.

All in all, I love it. It won't dethrone S&M in my arsenal, (The only thing it has on S&M is the cool color) but it is up there on my short list of decks to carry every day.


(To find one of these sweet, still unreleased decks on eBay, click HERE.)
Dec 28, 2008
Wow!!! They look amazing, and yes, they are a nice change from the standard cards like Lyle said. I'll be picking them up as soon as I can.
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