Bizzare, scary, spooky magic?

Dec 5, 2007

I really love effects that are a bit bizzare and spooky but i have a hard time finding any. Do you have any advice on effects in that catagory?

I alredy have Saw,stigmata and some other of my own effects.

Liam Carrie


I really love effects that are a bit bizzare and spooky but i have a hard time finding any. Do you have any advice on effects in that catagory?

I alredy have Saw,stigmata and some other of my own effects.

Man i know what you mean i LOVE magic tricks that freak people out! Try ladybug, disjointed, Swami mantra (only if you ar insane!) Thomas Medinas geek magic (also if you are insane) Hauntiques, Bizzaro's Helter Shelter the movie, Ghost Vision, Optical Dillusion, Prime cut (this one isnt scary but its CRAZY in the ways of mentalism) And Ultra Smoke 200 along with acting and a good story can make an excellent bizzare effect. And Bizzaro said a while ago he had a silk thru hand which he bought somewhere. i hope he tells us where he bought it :)
Sep 1, 2007
I highly recommend Rick Maue's Book of Haunted Magick. A number of great effects and some delightfully devious utility moves. Rick also includes a number of essays on magic and mentalism that you'll find intriguing.

The Garden of the Strange by Caleb Strange is something for when you've developed your showmanship to a more advanced level.

Docc Hilford's Band of the Hand is another great book. Nightmare Coins has become one of my favorites. Other good books from Docc are At the Mountains of Madness, and The Dark Cloak.
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