Bluff Pass

Apr 9, 2008
To those who know the bluff pass, does it matter if your right index finger curls in when you grip the upper packet while doing the move?
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Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I recommend that you do curl it in, it shows that the packet will not bend under pressure.

Or nobody will be paying attention to it since you're directing them elsewhere. No need to over prove anything.

I would say that you should practice and then go and perform it a lot. Just quick tricks, pick a card...lose it, 2 phase ACR. (It comes to comes to the top again!) maybe do a 3rd phase with a better reveal.

The angle that you tilt your right hand is just as well as (and I don't know where you learned it from) but always move your left hand away from your right, not the other way around. Eyes follow movement, so if you draw your left hand out and toward them, then they'll follow and concentrate on it.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
If you're asking what I think you're asking, then it's just a matter of personal preference really. I prefer to curl my index finger above the card and tilt downwards - I'd rather trade off the extra cover for more vision.
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