Book Test advice

Jun 13, 2013
For those of you out there familiar with the book test effect hopefully you can help me out. I have a concept for a book test routine that would involve me making my own book essentially a journal. However, I only know of the basic concept of the book test and do not really know where to begin as far as versions that exists that would allow me to go the direction I am going. I know Dee Christopher has a version that is a build your own but I don;t know if its in the area i am looking for.

Has anyone made their own book test book? Or know of a good place to start with differing methods?

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Nathan Kranzo knows a ton about the world of book tests.

I know there are various websites where you can self publish for a few bucks a book. I'm not sure which sites are best.
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