Breaking Past The Birthday Parties

Good Evening,

The topic I would love to discuss with other working simi-professional and professional alikes is "Breaking Past Birthday Parties." I have had the pleasure of working private parties as well as some resteraunt gigs now for the past three years. The money is great, the people are wonderful, and the internal networking/marketing of ones self and abilities are second to none. However I can't seem to find the way to move beyond getting the one gig every month or two and into working a steady month full of gigs. What am I doing wrong?

I should be clear: Finding work isn't hard. There are a thousand and one leads for birthday parties (with parents that only want to shell out as little as possible) or events (some celebrity) that want you to work for free. Gone are the days of vaudeville, and street performing can be fun, but stressful. It seems though that finding GOOD work is hard. Finding a decient paying gig is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.

I would love to see a resource produced that tackles the business side of show business. Contracts, prospecting, type of venues specific for types of magic (ie: walk around for resteraunts, and Parlor for cruise ships). Negotiating tactics.... cold calling, agents, managers, what to look for, who to work with, etc.

I would love to perform magic as my only means of income! Failing that then certainly make it to the point where if I DID have to work a job then it would be on my terms, and not because I NEED to.

Advice, thoughts, nuggets of wisdom, etc?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Wow..great topic. I feel the exact same as you. I get birthday party gigs and private gigs about once or twice a month. I would like to have one almost every weekend.
And of course I'm not talking about doing little Johnny's birthday for 50 bucks or performing for uncle Harold's drunk guys get the point. Is the best way to market yourself by word of mouth and business cards? Are websites necessary? Cold Calling? By no means is this my only income...I am a teacher and a coach buy I love to have extra spending cash and entertaining on the weekends.

Real Secrets of Close up...I know that is a book but is it on DVD now also?

Corportate Close up II DVD is out now in a few shops. I wonder if it is any good or if anyone had Volume I and was happy with it.
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