Can We Address The Real Issues?

Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
I'm a big fan of hip-hop and not the kind where the artist toots their own bad-ass horn.

I like people like Hopsin that can use that lyrical medium to talk about real world problems and really make the listener think and perhaps even question themselves.

In a world of 'hyper-visual magic' I'm curious - do any of you use magic in this way and how?

NOTE: I really want to spark a discussion on this because it's something I've been thinking on a lot recently. We could all make up some funny story or some BS to justify x, y, or z to make the magic more engaging. But is it real?


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Get a book by Robert Neale or Walt Anthony's Tales of Enchantment. Neale's The Four Gifts of Life is a classic and Anthony's Lette's Feather is the most powerful effect I've ever read. Also read books by Eugene Burger, David Parr and Larry Haas.

Like music, magic is a medium for a message. The message can be sugar coated candy or a hollow attempt at being edgy (most of pop music falls in that category). I grew up in the late 80s. Songs that brought emotion and feeling include The Who's Behind Blue Eyes and Love Reign O'er Me, Peter Gabriel's Don't Give Up and In Your Eyes and U2's Pride (in the Name of Love) and Sunday Bloody Sunday.

I do an egg bag routine that is centered on a story about judging people on first impressions, I'm working on a Sands of the Desert routine about losing your way in life, I do a routine with worry stones about the meaning of prayer, I have a kids linking rings routine about digging deep and believing in yourself based on a story of a young dragon. I do a routine that askes is it better for a couple to be alike or different? I'm working on a routine about turning back time -- who doesn't want to redo something in their lives? -- and a somewhat humorous needle swallowing routine centered on all the struggles we go through in a given day.

Those routines are woven into shows that have what Eugene Burger calls "texture." There are lighter routines, there are jokes and there are serious moments.
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Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Over the past couple of years I've been developing my show to be about choices. All the effects are about choosing in some way and the results of those choices. My goal is to then develop a talk that can be given (to a corporate audience) about how to make strong choices at work and at home. Then the dream is to eventually start doing some speaking gigs. The show is in use and being refined, and I'm still doing research for the talks. It's not talking about huge world issues or anything, but will hopefully help people in their daily walks to make better choices they can feel good about.

It's a difficult thing to try to do, but lot's of people can do it really well. Lots of guys do school shows on ani-bullying, anti-drugs, importance of reading, etc. There is one guy in town here who has a Chinese themed show to share about his cultural background. Then of course there are Christian magicians (and I'm sure other faiths as well do this- Jeff McBride?), who deliver their faith message through magic.
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