
Feb 14, 2008
New Engalnd
Well, this isn't exactly a product question but i'm not sure where else to put it. But theres one thing i run through bicycles too fast. Where i live we can get bicycles for about 1.75$ ea. So those are the cards i use to practice. But after 2 weeks of use i just don't like to use them. They are kind of bent and dirty. I do stuff to wash them they just don't feel the same. I heard studs are good, never used them though. But are there any cheap cards that really are good? And last a while? Thanks guys.
Feb 21, 2008
I think that bicycles are the best bang for your buck. I would advise you to practice with old cards and use the new cards for performing, and when the new cards become old then practice with those. This way I've saved some money myself.
Nov 30, 2007
Personally I would go with Bicycle Masters. They cost about 3 bucks I think but will last a long time if you treat them well. Mine are no longer good because I played yukor with them with my friend and his family and they were being bent and stuff and stuff was getting on them. But I would go with those. One word of advice to you no matter what deck you get though is before you practice or perform with the deck, wash your hands. It helps a lot so dirt don't get on the cards and they get all nasty and gross. I mostly wash my hands before I touch my good decks. Also, sometimes the sweat and stuff on your hands will probably rub off on the cards, making them not work as well. Also, where can you still buy studs. I have one but I thought that they were very old and hard to find. The only place that I have seen them on was eBay. But, I would go with Bicycle Masters if you are going to treat them well.
Oct 8, 2007
Bicycle Masters, eh? They didn't last too long for me. The thing is with costco, you have to be a member or sumthin like that. I personally like tallys or bikes.
Feb 14, 2008
New Engalnd
well, we have a sams club here which is about the same thing. Sometimes i just use my nice decks to practice with, but usually for only 5 mins with each deck. Also, have you ever tried Vegas playing cards? You can buy them for 2$ at like a convience store where i live, i have 2 and they last forever. But thanks guys i'll go pick up another brick of bikes, i only have 3 brand new packages left. Thanks.
Sep 3, 2007
Bikes are great... excellent quality for the price, but man they don't even compare to Guardians. Yes, it's true and I admit it, Guardians are, in fact, quite a bit more expensive than Bikes, but they also last nearly twice as long. Now I realize the cost and the length they last kind of cancel each other out, but Guardians are great, and it never hurts to pick up a pack and try them out! I rarely use them in performances, though, because I feel that people react better with good ol' Bikes. They're mainly for my small, but growing collection. They do handle pretty awesome, though.
Aug 31, 2007
Where do you guys find them in Costco? I didn't see them last time I was there, I probably should ask someone who works there
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