Christmas video


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I wanted to post a video for you guys. Sorry for the choppy talking I had taken this video about thirty times and had run out if time and this was the best one.

Thanks for the thanks! It's always awesome to have people like you in magic. You really show a passion about this art and that it's impacted your life just like it has impacted all of ours. Back when I was around 12 my brother showed me the 21 Card Trick, which at that time, I thought it was the best freakin trick in the world! I was completely fooled and had no idea! I begged him to tell me the secret but he wouldnt no matter how much I asked him. I don't really remember what my first trick was, however I got into the stage type of magic and still do have a lot of stage magic sitting in my dresser drawers seeing nothing but darkness. Every now and then I do the Appearing Cane and D'Lites and all that stuff just for fun. I haven't been performing much, but I did get One Degree by John Guastaferro today and I am in love with it. It is such a great book - I can't put it down!

This Christmas, all in all, was the best Christmas ever. My brother and I were able to get our parents a big gift for once, and the reactions on their faces were priceless. The true meaning of Christmas lies within that reaction when you hand them a gift you bought or made for them. It feels so much better to give than receive - I think more people need to realize this. Merry Christmas man; we're glad to have you as apart of this growing and thriving community. We appreciate all of your given support as you ride along with us on this journey to improve the art of magic.

With many thanks,

Jun 6, 2010
Nashville, TN
Well when I was around 8 years old, there was this guy on the bus that did a card trick for me. He was my brother's friend so I knew he wasn't really a magician but he brought a deck of cards to school one day. He had me pick a card and then told me what card it was. It may sound really stupid but as an 8 year old kid, the natural laws of the known world had just been broken! I asked him to do it again. And again. And again. He never got it wrong. From that point on, I started to develop a love for magic and anything to do with magic. But, I didn't know that I could learn it. Until that summer.

When I was at summer camp, one of the counselors asked if I wanted to see a magic trick. I said yes immediately and she did the 4x4 card trick. (At least I think that's what it's called) The one where you have four rows of four cards and ask someone to think of one. And that completely fooled me! Then something amazing happened. She offered to teach it to me. So for the next month, I did that trick for everyone! And then I started checking out magic books at my local library and the rest is history.

So, for Christmas I didn't ask for anything magic-related. But my uncle got me the Criss Angel Magic Set. I kind of feel bad that he got me something that I won't really use. Don't get me wrong, it's great for beginners, but I already have just about everything that's in his set. They work just fine and they don't have Criss's logo plastered all over them. But I am hoping to buy maybe a book or two.

Sorry for the really long post. I tend to rant when you ask open ended questions. :)
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