Clip Shift replacement Tips


Apr 24, 2014
Hello, I was wondering if there is anyone who can give me some tips on the replacement part of the clip shift. I understand that it will get better over time but my issue at the moment is that the card isn't landing square with the deck, either it doesn't reach all the way across or the second to top card slides over a bit with the shaking and pressure. Do I need to apply pressure with the thumb and middle fingers or less pressure with the index? I don't know but hopefully someone can enlighten me on a tip.
Thank in advance, Adam.
Aug 13, 2013
The most important tip I can give you is to keep your hand really loose, as loose as possible without dropping the deck. When I first learnt it I thought gripping the deck really hard would help, but a loose and relaxed grip from all fingers is really helpful.

If you still can't get a full replacement, breathe on your index finger knuckle to make the card stick to it a little more


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I had a heck of time getting any skill with this move. I'm trying to think of a way to say this without exposing things.

When you've got the card clipped and shifted, use your index to move the card over, but let it 'ride' over your middle fingertip. It will rotate into place when it hits the middle finger.

Duncan F.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I am more than familiar with this problem, and it's actually quite an easy fix. The issue is that when you replace the card you are sliding it over to the long edge of the deck. This is wrong and will mess up your replacement every time. Instead, your index should move up towards the top of the deck/corner where you middle finger is holding. You are trying to pivot the card into place, not slide it over. Hopefully this will fix your problem.
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