
Jun 26, 2009
im not sure, but i just bought the last one at tannens a couple of days ago. i dont know about theory 11, but im pretty sure it wont be back soon or ever for that matter. sorry!

Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
it was always homer's intention to make a single run and have limited copies. he said so from the beginning and even kept a running number of how many were out there. If you want it your best bet is to buy off ebay or find someone willing to part with it. I believe the routine is also in the Magic Man Examiner produced by him and Chris, one of the issues at least, you could try and get one of those or the pdf file. He may someday re-relese it but i wouldn't count on it, and if he does it probably wont be anytime soon


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Previous posts were correct in that theory11 did have the remaining quantity of first edition CoinONE DVD's, and we are now completely sold out. That said, you may still be able to find a few remaining copies through one of our authorized retailers.

We have no immediate plans for a second edition, but it could be on the horizon for sometime in the future.
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