Criss Angel Stole my idea??


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)

The short answer is no. I simply believe he came up with this fantastic idea on his own.

The long answer:

So for a couple years now I’ve wanted to make a thread about parallel thinking in magic.

I still plan on it but for now here’s 1 specific example.

So back in 2019 during a round of Wednesday game night where I told everyone to pitch a TV show idea. To demonstrate I pitched an idea I was quite proud of.



Non Magic celebrities team up with professional magicians to put together big magic acts, similar to that of dancing with the stars. Imagine the greatest slight of hand artist teaming up with other performers of art such as a singer, comedian, or even dancer. So look forward as Gilbert Gottfried and Shin Lim team up to blow the mind of Judge Howard stern this fall!

I made it up on the spot, and genuinely fell in love with the idea. At one point I genuinely thought this was my future, and making this show was my white Whale. I was To make it even if it kills me. But after researching how TV shows are made/pitched and time went on and years passed it faded out of my brain.

Now it appears the same name and premise has been Used by Criss Angel for his new CW show.
So this raises a question

“Did Criss Angel Steal my idea?”

Let me start with my bias. As you all know I am a massive Criss angle fanboy.

He is the guy who got me into magic. I have made many post defending him, and yes wrote a paper on how he was a person idol of mine.

So of course I am likely to believing this was coincidental and he had never seen my obscure post from many years ago. I know these forums can be popular and attract big names so yes it is possible that someone saw my post and inspired them to make it. That is why I went to press releases, listings, etc. for a list of producers, consultants, cast and crew members to see if a potential forum lurker (who may have gained inspiration from my post) worked on the show and I simply could not. No Blake Vogt. No Dan white. No Franco Pascali. No one. So unless Criss, Dave, or Erich saw the post it’s not likely. And that isn’t likely.

Also let’s be honest, as I said. I love this idea. I really look forward to seeing it. But it’s not like… that ground breaking/original…. I mean celebracadabra is fairly similar

Plus this is a “Simpsons did it first!!” Kind of situation. For years people accuse other shows of stealing from the Simpsons (heck some people believe real life is copying the Simpsons), but in reality Simpsons has been on so long there’s not a whole lot of original situations/jokes you can do in adult animation that the Simpsons hasn’t already done. Similar to me. I spew out ALOT of cruddy Tv show/movie ideas on hear. One of them was bound to relate to an actual show.

Speaking of which…

If Criss actually stole one of my ideas I’d expect him to take a better one
Insane Illusionist movie
2 Truths and a trick

Now in the off chance Criss or a producer saw my thread and drew inspiration I understand and do not expect/ask for royalties. I do however ask for a check sent at the end of every month that contain a certain percent of profits made by the program

I also do not ask for credit. I do however ask to be listed as a Creative producer.

AND I DEFINITELY do not ask to become a guest judge one day. All I ask is to be on an episode and give feedback/ grades to the contestants.

So yeah, There we go. To conclude I would like to believe in my heart that I inspired the man who inspired me my entire life, but ultimately don't think so.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Ok, so ever since a buddy of mine (maaz Hasan) had an entire post deleted it had chart graphs, sources and evidence I have typed my post into my notes app. As iwas clearing them out I noticed I forgot to post some hyper links to this thread so here they are.
Here a post about me defending Angel
Original thread about the show
Thread about my essay in seventh grade
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