Dave Forrest’s DeLorian

Oct 30, 2011
I Know this is not a recent product but I havn't been able to find many review about Dave Forrest’s DeLorian; the Signed Card Under Cellophane effect. I looks nice. you can get the gerneal idea of it from the Demo that was posted by full52.
There arn't any demos concernig the "deluxe" versons. I was wondering how different that was? Is it worth getting the DVD to get the " the special something required" rather then just the download?
May 21, 2011
Bedford, England
If you want to get the DVD just for the DeLorian Deluxe gimmicks, it's not really worth it. The deluxe version is only used to make the clean up of the gimmick slightly easier. Plus, I would believe most magicians would have something similar to the gimmick provided and still make it work efficiently. Unless you want minimal hassle compared to what is taught as the standard handling, I would just purchase the download and save a few dollars.
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