Finger Excercises

look at this video

I think the reason noone replied is because I would bet that most people have seen stuff like this before, and have seen it better. Its not that its not cool, just that theres really nothing to say except "cool", which does not really merit a reply. I dont mean to put you off at all, please do not think so, I am just saying that it is not that what you have posted is not of value, just that it is a little bit like old news.
Point well taken. I guess as my first post I was just striving for it to be successful. Thanks for the info:)

Oh you were successful. Its interesting to watch, I can't do any of it. When I watch it I try to follow along, then I get frustrated and quit. I was not trying to down your post, just trying to fill you in as to why people were not giving you the response you figured they would.

I think when it comes to posting, try to be honest. Don't just go looking for a thread to make(not saying you were), just be honest with what is on your mind and if it truly resonates with you, it will probably resonate with others.
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