Flourishes Ruining Magic?

Sep 1, 2007
I have no problem with flourishes in magic. I believe that when they are utilized properly they can add to the performance. The problem is that they are typically not used in conjunction with an effect, they are just thrown in, as if to say "look what I can do." d+M is great at adding a flourish into his routine to add flair. He doesn't flourish right before an effect, while he's talking, etc. He uses them as part of his performance. I can also think of a performance I was watching on youtube of another great magician. He is also great at flourishing, but in my opinion, it is almost as if he flourishes to take the attention off of the effect, as if he is hiding behind the cards. To me this detracts from the performance. To me flourishes are just like anything else in magic. You have to utilize the correct balance. If it doesn't make the effect stronger get rid of it. That goes for everything: patter, movement, comedy, flourishes, etc.
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