Foundational Card Magic Book Opitions

Aug 31, 2017
Hi guys.

Hope this finds you all well!

I have a dilemma, I adore everything Royal Road To Card Magic stands for, but I'm having a difficult time with the writing style.

Would Harry Lorayne's The Magic Book provide a foundation to build upon?

Or is there any other books that are effective on a beginner building a good foundation with card magic.

I've played about with cards for years but want to properly learn.

Hope this is easy to understand.




Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Card College. Roberto Giobbi's approach to magic and handling of sleights is excellent. There are lots of pictures and for each sleight there are checkpoints for you to review to make sure you are doing it correctly. Start with the first two volumes (which were originally designed to be the full set... until he wrote the next three). The one thing is to pay attention to what may seem like basics for you - like the various grips. The exact placement of the cards is essential for later moves (e.g. how the cards float in the mechanics grip).
Aug 31, 2017
Card College. Roberto Giobbi's approach to magic and handling of sleights is excellent. There are lots of pictures and for each sleight there are checkpoints for you to review to make sure you are doing it correctly. Start with the first two volumes (which were originally designed to be the full set... until he wrote the next three). The one thing is to pay attention to what may seem like basics for you - like the various grips. The exact placement of the cards is essential for later moves (e.g. how the cards float in the mechanics grip).
Thank you, I shall get the first volume and take my time with it. Sounds like it has many glowing reviews from you guys


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