Ghost Stories by Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman

Hi Guys!

Just to let you know, I went to see Ghost Stories last night in Liverpool. It was fantastic!

The basic plot is a professor in the supernatural trying to explain the unexplainable like a visiting from a dead relative or something that scares us like the 10th number. He then goes on to tell you these stories that other people have given him to increase his research, and you see his top three stories. We then learn that the professor has a secret of his own.

It was an absolute materpiece riddled with magical input from the wonderful Scott Penrose, who acted as the special effects co-ordinator on the show, with nappies flying off shelves, dummy's moving and monsters being created. Also 40, 79, 20, 11, 16, 32, 83, 48, 19.

The atmosphere in the theatre was very intense. as none of us knew what to expect you could just tell we where all ready to be scared.

The theatre was also decked out with safety tape and plastic, with a fantastic tunnel dripping noise played throughout the wait before the performance.

All in all, you are set to be scared out of your wits before it begins, and it does deliever. There is plenty of comedy moments though, so it has a good mix.

All thats left to say is watch the trailer and if your in the UK make a point to go and see it. After all, What Are You Hiding From?

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