Gig Prep


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I'll be heading to Connecticut tomorrow to do the first of three weekends at a fantasy ren fair. It's the only fair I do, and a lot of times this is where I really hone a new piece because I do many shows.

I'll be doing 7, half hour shows total this weekend - 4 Saturday, 3 Sunday. 4 will be solo, 3 will be partner shows with my wife.

Everything I need to perform for the entire weekend is in this picture.
MFRF Prep1.jpg

With a bonus Belgian Shepherd (not part of the shows).

The reason I'm posting this, is that when I first started doing this fair 4 years ago I brought ALL THE THINGS. I had a whole separate suitcase for "Extra" magic, "just in case".

The more I perform, the less I feel the need to bring 'backups'. These days, I just have one piece I'm bringing as a backup. And that's literally only in case I need to do a very intimate show (ie: I'm not able to draw a big crowd).

How much "backup material" do you bring with you on a regular basis? How much of that material never gets performed?
Jul 26, 2016
Good luck! No, actually, I never really liked that cliche. Especially since I know you will not need "luck." So, I will wish you, instead, GOOD SKILL!

As far as bringing stuff with me, for years I always had an over- stuffed case for close-up work, and almost invariably, I used maybe 20% of the props I brought. I also had a tendency to carry too much in my pockets. I cured myself of this by finally confining myself to an attractive wooden chest, that's about a foot long, 8 inches wide and 8 inches deep. For stand up shows I never seemed to have this problem - just a well-organized, roomy and fairly deep, flight-style case, containing exactly what I needed for each routine and also a good-sized poster-board which won't fit in the case (typically a 30-40 minute show, consisting of 6 to 7 routines), and nothing more.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Depending on how much they're paying me, a strolling gig might mean a few items in my pockets, and a backpack to hold supplies (Billets, markers, business cards, water bottle, etc). If they go for my "premium" price I also bring a couple special items that I'll only do once each an evening. Voodoo doll ( my own routine, not Okito), needles for Through and Through, a Rubik's Cube, etc.

For a parlor gig it looks pretty similar to this picture. The only thing I'll have as well is two tables - one "Activity Table" from Target which is mainly for my smash and stab routine. The other is a TV tray which I use for other things. I need to find better tables but they work for now. Of course, the contents will soon be almost entirely different because I've written a new parlor show which premiers this August.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Here's a real "Pro Tip" insider secret:
Set list1.jpg

When doing parlor performances, almost everyone has a case or box of some sort that they store their props in. These boxes almost always have a lid that lifts up. Only the performer sees the inside of that lid - so you can write up your set list and stick it inside there for a reminder in case you have a brain fart.

What you're looking at in this picture are two pieces of glossy paper. Each one fits perfectly inside the lid of my prop case. Since I'm testing some new stuff this run, I use this to both make sure I have everything I need for each performance and to remove the chance of forgetting something during the show. When I'm done, wipe them clean and they're ready for the next round. Or if I decide something isn't working, wipe it off and put something else in.

For this weekend I have to keep 4 sets in mind. My solo "A" and "B" sets, and my partner "A" and "B" sets for the side show performances.

Before I head to the stage I look at the set list, check the props in the box, set the list on top of everything. Get to the stage, set up, open box, place set list in lid, perform. Put everything back into the box, flip the set list over, put it on top, head back to the green room. Next show I have everything in front of me to double check and do it all over.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I absolutely use this same method of a flip up lid to hide my set show list. It mentally keeps me moving and in order and on time. :) I know that sounds very amateurish; however, the more pros I talk to...they do the same thing. Whether it is a notecard with tape or just a small post it note.
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