Guardians - I'm Kind of Scared Now

Dec 31, 2007
Well my brick of guardians arrived a couple days ago and..... They feel EXCELLENT

Better than Black Tiger

Better than Ghost

Better than Vipers

and better than Tally's (for the people who think Tally's are actually good)

I didn't make this thread spamming on how cool they are. I wanted to talk about the phrase that T11 used while marketing the Guardians in the playing card section, "Don't worry. They protect themselves". I thought the phrase was %100 true, once the Guardians arrived at my door (or my lobby :p ) I ran upstairs and opened up my package soon to find the 3 guardians buried inside all the packing peanuts. I grabbed out my closeup mat and open the cellophane. There slipped right out of the box and felt amazing.

I have been playing with my guardians since I opened them :

They have been dropped

Flourished with

Broken in

And fanned over 50 times

What I don't get is how the edges are completely non-crimped, they spread perfectly fine since I opened them, and still look SM3XY....

Is there an explanation to this? Or did T11 just give out the Ultimate Magicians Deck?

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I'm not quite sure I understand this thread. But yes, they are very nice and they handle very nicely. However, the tend to bend easily and develop a crimp. But that can be fixed. I just don't see the reason for this thread.


P.S. "cellophane"
Dec 31, 2007
I'm not quite sure I understand this thread. But yes, they are very nice and they handle very nicely. However, the tend to bend easily and develop a crimp. But that can be fixed. I just don't see the reason for this thread.


P.S. "cellophane"
HAHA Michael, how can you not understand that these cards are not godly?!
These are the best cards I have ever handled in my life.

Sep 3, 2007
Yes, t11 made a freakin' awesome deck. Mine have been dropped on the floor of a dirty truck, scattered around, picked up, and survived. I've been using them since December 11th (my birthday) off and on, and they're still great. That's one deck, not all six of them. The other five remain unopened.
Aug 31, 2007
I've used the same deck of tally's on and off for around 2 years and guess what? They still work perfectly fine, all cards do if you leave them long enough. I am yet to us a deck of guardians but I am sure they are not that special.
Sep 1, 2007
San Diego
i offically eat my words, happily....and have my own boot stuck up my ass

i ordered 3 guardians a while ago...........

better than bikes
after a week they feel the same as BRAND NEW BIKES
i mean that they feel the same as brand new bikes
MEANING that the bikes JUST got out of the box and you havent done anything to them....after that they feel nothing like guardians


o stupid i was to ignore these decks that should be made out of gold
Dec 31, 2007
i offically eat my words, happily....and have my own boot stuck up my ass

i ordered 3 guardians a while ago...........

better than bikes
after a week they feel the same as BRAND NEW BIKES
i mean that they feel the same as brand new bikes
MEANING that the bikes JUST got out of the box and you havent done anything to them....after that they feel nothing like guardians


o stupid i was to ignore these decks that should be made out of gold
I don't understand one thing you are saying, lol :p Maybe I'll read it over again......
Dec 31, 2007
I've used the same deck of tally's on and off for around 2 years and guess what? They still work perfectly fine, all cards do if you leave them long enough. I am yet to us a deck of guardians but I am sure they are not that special.
NOT THAT SPECIAL!!! I?!....You?!....The Guardians!!?... AAHH!

Okay I'm calmed down now....

You should try to order a brick of guardians Farrell, You WON'T regret it.

Dec 31, 2007
Yes, t11 made a freakin' awesome deck. Mine have been dropped on the floor of a dirty truck, scattered around, picked up, and survived. I've been using them since December 11th (my birthday) off and on, and they're still great. That's one deck, not all six of them. The other five remain unopened.

You should all learn from this....

Sep 2, 2007
I don't understand why everyone is getting so excited over these. The first time I opened a box i was really underwhelmed. The material seems to cheap for me I'll take my tally's anyday
Feb 28, 2008
the backs

I love the feel of these cards and they are my favourite over any other... I just personally find the backs to be a bit... I don't know... overwhelming. I wish they offered them in a regular rider back style or something similar to E's ghosts.
Feb 8, 2008
Slightly less quality than the Masters, but they look better, so I like Guardians more. I don't get all the negative hype about the Masters decks. They went for months without clumping or losing quality– I can destroy standard bikes in two days. Anyway, the Guardians are a little thin, but much better than a lot of custom decks out there.
Slightly less quality than the Masters, but they look better, so I like Guardians more. I don't get all the negative hype about the Masters decks. They went for months without clumping or losing quality– I can destroy standard bikes in two days. Anyway, the Guardians are a little thin, but much better than a lot of custom decks out there.

Because some people use them to flourish and they suck for flourishing, but good for magic.
Jan 17, 2008
i was a bit uncertain about these decks at first. they just looked cool, for that reason only i had to get some (just like every new deck i see).

out of the box i wasn't impressed, they seemed really flimsy and the edges where sharp as hell. no willing to give up on them i threw on some powder did a few fans, then nearly sprung em cross the freaking room.

i still have that first deck, almost 2 months old and the still have a lot of spring. yeah, they are a bit sticky and the corners are bent but that;s the same with every deck. bottom line though, i really like these, probably my favorite deck.
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