Half Vanish Patter Idea

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
Well here's a nice patter for half vanish that is very helpful at times. It's for those people who are having trouble doing the "sleight you do after the card vanishes" people who know this trick should know what i mean. Well here's how it goes

Have you ever heard of a thing called television? Well do you know how a television works? Well, it all starts at your local television station. When they want to transmit a picture to your T.V., they actually break the picture up into millions of tiny pieces. Then those million of tiny pieces are transmitted through a cable or satellite and gets into your T.V. Your T.V. Then rearranges those millions of pieces so that you get a whole picture. Well, I've found you can do the same thing with cards.
Produce the 2 mates and have a card selected. We'll use the red aces in this example. So, the 2 red aces will represent our television, the deck is going to be our television station, and your selected card will be the picture. Now as you can see, if i put the picture into the station, and i rub it like so... Vanish the card. ...it disappears! In fact, i hasn't actually disappeared but is now broken up into millions of tiny pieces. See them? You can see them if you look close. Point to the space above your head. This is when you do the sleight under the misdirection of them looking up to find the "tiny pieces". Now if i take my television, the two red aces, and wave them around like so... Slowly wave the aces and produce the sandwiched card. They can actually rearrange those millions of tiny pieces so we can get your card back. So that was a quick lesson for you on how a television works.

Let me know what you guys think of it. Thanks!
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Aug 24, 2008
pretty cool.with that patter even my 8-year old sister would be able to do the sleight.Though i have made that sleight impossible to spot(or so i think) and i do not need the patter .Though i am sure it works.
Sep 1, 2007
Reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the book). Maybe you could finish by producing a chocolate bar.
Dec 9, 2008
That's good, also if you want you could incorperate the wingless pegasus from Kevin Ho's Smooth Operations, if you're using four aces ( which would be a minor alteration) then you could use the aces as a TV frame, who knows...
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