Hello, im new

Nov 10, 2014
Hey guys, im new here as well as new to cardistry.

And i came to learn about this amazing art through this video:

But when i watched this, i didnt have the required type of cards to do these because in my country we get simple paper cards which cant even be fanned.

So i bought a deck of card, The Vaudeville deck from the blue crown.

I also watch Monument by dimitri arleri, this guy is indeed great. and i also tried some basic from a youtube channel "school of cardistry" not all though.

Its been only 1-2 week since i am trying to learn, well i dont get much time as i work.

So what can you suggest me so i can learn fast? Any good tutorials/videos that i can get to learn and handle cards very well?

Would be great to get some tips :)

May 17, 2014
When learning cardistry, it's important to build a good foundation of flourishes before you attempt the higher level material. I'd recommend putting monument back on the shelf for a while, at least until you master all the basics, and get a repertoire of moves under your belt before attempting anything more difficult. The Genesis dvd is great for beginners, and will give you a good base to build upon when you're ready.
Nov 9, 2013
If you are looking for something free, then check out The Virts website. (http://thevirts.com) They have really good basic tutorials for basics like the charlier cut and a really basic one-card twirl called Flicker. Also, Zach Mueller recently released his 'Cardistry 101' on his website and his YouTube. (http://www.fontainecards.com)
If you are willing to break open the piggy bank, then consider Genesis V1. This will give you a good foundation for more complex flourishes.
Jun 29, 2014
Also I would recommend serching "Efektowne Tasowanie Kart" on Youtube. It's Polish Youtube channel (not sure if there are english subtitles), but they have over 100 videos and You can check out what You should learn 1st (Starting from Charlier and Thumb Fan, through Sybil, Squeeze Cut to some more advanced moves Check out Pussy Hunter, it's awesome move!)
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