Help! Cardistry in real life vs in videos

Apr 9, 2017
I have been doing cardistry for more than a year now, and I need help. Whenever I practiced in front of a mirror, my flourishes looks really smooth just like the ones that I learnt the tutorials from. But when I record my flourishes in my phone, I look like one of the 10 year old kids with the Virtuoso decks that you see on YouTube. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it looks really really bad and rough. My phone's camera is not that nice, is that probably a reason why it looks so bad? Please help me, because all of the flourishes I learnt for months and months looks so bad (in a video) and I don't know how to smoothen them.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
A camera is an audience, so it may be that performance anxiety is kicking in and scrambling you a bit.

It could also be that you think they look better in the mirror than they do. We, as humans, have a tendency to do that.

A low frame rate/picture quality camera will make things look worse, though, but that generally hides flaws, not enhances them.
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Apr 9, 2016
I'm betting you have some work to do, absolutely no offense meant.

To Christopher's point, the camera is an audience, and you are seeing your own performance from a different perspective. That there is in your own mind a chasm between your perception and the camera is likely the camera showing you what you don't see in the mirror.

How you'll really know is to perform your moves for others who you know and trust, family and friends. Ask them to be very critical of your performance, and not to hold back, you want honest critique.

Most will give it to you straight, some will sugar coat it, but you can show them a video of a move you're trying to emulate that you admire, then perform the same and have them critique based on that.

You may even show them your recording and find that they feel your performance is fine and your camera sucks! ;)

Point is, get some real human feedback in an honest and helpful way. Have them point out specifically where it looks "rough" or needs work.

Also, they're not expensive, but those foldable 3 panel mirrors are really helpful on occasion for just this sort of self-critique, giving you 3 angles to perform live to yourself in.

As long as your hands don't look tiny working the deck like those 10 y/o's on YT, you'll be fine! :) :) :)
Jan 26, 2017
I don't know if It'll work for cardistry, but sometimes when I practice hard sleights, I open my laptop's webcam and record it at the same time. That way, I have a mirror, as well as footage that I can watch back.
Jul 8, 2017
I don't know if It'll work for cardistry, but sometimes when I practice hard sleights, I open my laptop's webcam and record it at the same time. That way, I have a mirror, as well as footage that I can watch back.
You could also use a 3 way mirrio I have one and it's perfect
Jul 8, 2017
I've been meaning to get one for a while. But one of the advantages of using a camera is that you can practice without looking at the cards.
A 3way mirror is perfect for sleights I use it when I'm praticing it has helped my performance a ton, I get a try pod and put the camera above the mirror so I can use both at once
Jul 26, 2016
There's an old saying: "The camera never lies." Even if the videos that your phone records aren't that good quality compared to say, an iPhone, they are still letting you know honestly that you have work to do. When you practice in front of a mirror, your attention is divided. It's like your brain is split in two, partly performing the flourishes and partly observing yourself as you do. So, it's hard to get a brutally honest appraisal of where you are at skill-wise. When you are watching the replay of your videos, your attention is focused 100% on observing your performance, and so you are getting a far more accurate idea of where you are than when performing in a mirror. I believe videotaping ourselves, then watching, videotaping again, then watching, continuously repeating the process, is a great way to get really good and smooth. Each time it will improve. The other way is to perform for people as often as possible. If you ask friends or family to give you feedback, try to do it one on one, rather than in front of a group of two or more. People act differently in a group. Eventually you will get great if you don't get discouraged, persevere and really want it. It's just a process and it takes time and work - that's all. There's another old saying: "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice, practice, practice."
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