Help Finding Picture? Thanks!

Aug 31, 2007

My class is required to do a narrative painting using the style of George La Tour.

I am looking for a particular image (which I can use as a reference), where it's a magician wearing a tie, and maybe a suit, too. The focal point is not his face but his torso and the cards that are in his hands. Perhaps he's doing cardistry. The light source also shines on his middle body, as well.

With the many images here in T11 Forums, I'm having trouble finding the image that fits the criteria above.

If it's possible, could you guys help me find the picture I'm looking for? (or something similar to it).



-- UPDATE: something in the same ambience as the Buck Twins in the "Stinger" trailer. You know, wearing a tie, light source focused on torso, cardistry, etc. Once again, thanks in advance!
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