How and what do you practice?

Aug 24, 2008
Hey guys

I just listened to the roundtable discussion with Jason England and that's the question that popped in my mind.
When i say "HOW" you practise i mean do you practise alone in a room,with music ,whhile watching TV,etc
"WHAT": do you practice routines,patter,the hardest sleights , the simplest sleights and WHY do you practice simple/difficult sleights?

I generally practice controls,shifts,double lifts,palms,half passes and generally evry single sleight i can think of whenever i am not typing ,talking to the phone etc

I prefer perfecting sleights as i almost never have a set patter for effects i just go along with the spectators
I practiice in front of TV. I do a lot of gambling slights and sleight of hand card tricks. If I am working out a patter or custimizing a trick to fit me then i do it with out the TV.
how do i practice? well, its not really a how, its a when. I practice everywhere man. Anytime i can practice, i do so. If its quiet, i practice the stuff i really have to think about, like hard slieghts and the sort. If its a noisy setting, i practice the muscle memory stuff. I like to listen to my music while i practice, but if i dont, its still ok. Every single sleight? i practice whats on my mind and what i think needs work (everything.) perfecting slieghts is not nessescary for performing for spectators, but i stir away from that venue. Most spectators dont have the brain capicity for even a simple magical feat. You have to have to much patter, so i am a move monkey. I practice any slieght i like, and even some i dont. so ya, enjoy.

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