Idea for magic books.

Mar 16, 2010
I was thinking and came up with an idea on how to make magic books more readable. I mean magic books are cool, but the people these days rather learn magic from DVDs than books because magic DVDs look cool and the trailer is bad *ss. But what if artists would make trailers about books? I think that would inspire many people to go for books. Here is an example of exper at the card table: What do you guys think?


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Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
It actually isn't bad idea. Sort of like a book review video that talks about the contents, pros / cons, thoughts, etc.

I actually like using effects from books because the chances are good that hardly anyone else in my ring will find or know the same effect.

The best place to find some great effects are the Older Linking Rings magazines.
May 2, 2010
New York, New York
I saw penguin magic have some of their staff do reviews for a few books previewing a move or two from the book. Those clip helped me purchase or considering to purchase in the future.

I personally like the idea. Gives insite to the material and would give the consumer a better Idea of what they are purchasing.

On the other hand I know a few that wouldnt like this. They would feel since the masses are more into dvds that hidden gems that are in only books would be safe from the armchair, youtube exposing, weekend magicians. Something that only the select few would know about. Which I actually get in some ways because its holds some truth.

We see what happens for the future.



Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Some people do this. Aaron Fisher has one for The Paper Engine, I believe. Presonally, though, I'm fine if books stay somewhat under the mainstream. It means I can still easily find material that no one else is doing.
May 2, 2010
New York, New York
Some people do this. Aaron Fisher has one for The Paper Engine, I believe. Presonally, though, I'm fine if books stay somewhat under the mainstream. It means I can still easily find material that no one else is doing.

Same here. Im constantly finding things that people dont know about. My room is already getting cluttered.

even the known books to the mainstream has things overlooked.
It's nice finding a seemingly 'forgotten' effect in an older book or digging up something amazing at a secondhand book store. However, new books are different. They still bring royalties to the authors rather than the publishers. I'd be a nice if new magic books sold well enough to be financially worthwhile for people to write (but not well enough to result in a flood of awful books).

However, if a person is going to like a video review more than a text review, are they really going to be the type to prefer to spend money on a book rather than a DVD? Trying to appeal to the wrong market there I think. I like print as opposed to video - you can read it anywhere, you can skim it, and skipping to the right place is easier. For the same reasons I prefer text reviews - they don't take as much time to get through and load faster. However, mot people are not as extremely text-loving as I am. If you have little or nothing to lose, I'd try it. Don't wait for the approval of strangers on the internet, y'know what I'm sayin'?
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
I love going through Life and Times of a Legend. There are so many brillant ideas from Annemann that seems to read dry but with a little work they can be amazing pieces that slay any audience. Also if you throw a few new sleights and subtle ideas that have come in the last few years.
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