Inverted Gum is Not New is it?

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Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
This isn't a new trick is it? Justin Flom performed it on Ellen. Here's a performance of Kyle Marlett performing it as well. It kinda just looks like the creator figured out their version of the trick.

Inverted Gum

Justin Flom

Kyle Marlett

Unless I'm mistaken this is Kyle's trick right?
May 19, 2010
I see the similarities and this is not the first time there have been already published effects on the wire. I've caught one or two effects on the wire that have been in old issues of Apocalypse with no credit given to the original creator... People could make a killing by just finding really old and obscure tricks in books and filming them haha

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hey guys!

This was brought to our attention this morning through a review for Inverted Gum. We have spoken to Justin Flom about it. It is not his trick (or Kyle Marlett's), though they have both performed it. All but the last phase of Inverted Gum is essentially identical to Sticky Situation by Andy Leviss (from Elmwood Magic). This having been disovered, Inverted Gum has been removed and the artist has been notified.

Thanks guys!

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