is the monarch deck worth the price ?

Apr 18, 2016
I used to think standard bikes were the way to go. I asked a similar question a couple of weeks ago, and I learned a lot from the responses. I purchased my first deck of monarchs a few days ago and was astonished with the feel. I absolutely enjoy working with them, and in my opinion, they are worth every penny.

Best deck I've ever held.



Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
If you are wondering if the monarchs will help you be a better card mechanic – not really. How the difference affects your handling is going to be negligible. However they do handle very nice out of the box, seem to hold up longer, and look fantastic. They are a novelty deck and worth it if you like them! It's like buying a cheap white coffee mug. Yes it's cheap, it holds coffee. But if you like Doctor Who, you can buy a Tardis mug. It also holds the coffee, perhaps even holds a bit more, but it looks awesome. You pay more for the awesome mug in comparison to the plain mug, and it's worth it because you love the way it looks!


Elite Member
Aug 10, 2015
Personally I love every deck from theory11 they're all very high quality! I recommend the monarchs they're a great deck
Apr 19, 2015
Florence, Italy
If you are an intermediate card mechanic as you say, you of course know that you can do card magic with no deck, may it be few card, three cards, or no cards at all.
That being said it all comes to personal taste, curiosity, tradition.
While asking that question you will find out there are no unique answer, so you asked the wrong question, or questioned the wrong people
May 18, 2016
i have bought the monarch deck ill be doing alot if deck testing from theory 11 and i may stick with them for all my card buying
Nov 18, 2015
The quality on all of the T11 custom decks is fantastic. By "quality", I mean the Quality Assurance level for their decks coming out of USPCC is the highest they offer (I think it's Q-1 -- someone can correct me). I buy bricks of bikes from costco for day-in-day-out practice, destroying cards, etc. You see much lower quality control on bulk bikes. The edges on bulk bikes tend to be rougher than monarchs (or other T11 cards, which will faro right out of the box without any trouble -- bikes will to, but depending on the deck they might fight you a little). Also, I see a lot of mis-cut bikes. T11 decks are all very well-cut, smooth, and look fantastic.

Some people are dismissive about buying cards for the different back designs, but I actually really like changing up the cards I use for practice. When you've been practicing some false shuffle or something for a week straight, changing it up can be refreshing.

Will monarchs make you better at handing cards? Probably not. But, if you really like handing cards -- like you're the kind of person who is playing with a deck anytime your hands are not otherwise occupied -- then getting some high-quality cards with cool designs can add some fun variety to your work.
Apr 9, 2016
Most of what I'd contribute has already been stated eloquently by a few, and I do love/own bricks of Monarchs.

However, if your goal is to be the best mechanic you can be, and do what a mechanic does best, I can tell you that you would be doing a disservice to yourself by not trying and USING many different decks in all sorts of shape to achieve that goal.

A solid mechanic needs to be able to function with ANY deck, regardless of finish, brand, or condition. A mechanic and a magician are two very different animals with some crossover.

That said, after years of working on my craft and spending exorbanent amounts of money on bricks of T11 and E decks, Tallys, aviators, bees and bikes (of which I like all for various reasons), you should seriously consider looking into some Turner Gold Seal Bikes, as well as some 809 Mandolin Bikes. The prices on both are ridiculously low for the quality you get. Look em up, you won't be disappointed.

Good luck, work hard, and remember along with working with new fresh decks to pull out your old decks of all conditions and work them as well. It's probably the best advice on mechanics I can offer.
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May 17, 2016
Yes the monarchs have absolutely amazing quality! I love them, they are one of my favorites but I personally prefer the contraband. If you see a deck made by theory11, buy it. It is guaranteed to be an amazing deck.


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
Of all the Theory 11 decks I own, the Monarchs are by far my favorite in terms of feel and quality. The design is modest in comparison to their other decks but for some, that is a major factor when they are purchasing new decks.
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