It's been four days?

Jul 22, 2013
I submitted my trick on Sunday (I am aware it is mot a business day), and now it is Wednesday night and no response on my submission. I don't mean to sound over eager, I was just wondering if this is normal or if there was a problem with my submission.


Elite Member
Apr 7, 2012
That's pretty normal to be honest. I went through the exact same thing, my first move Orbit took around 2 months before it got accepted. Just sit back and wait. It sucks at first, but you'll get used to it bud.
Jan 27, 2013
The same thing happened to me, and so I contacted Lyle from theory11 support, and he said is is 72 business hours, not days and if they have alot of submissions, or if it is hard to find it it is original or not it might take longer. Also to make sure that they were submitted, go to the wire, click on dashboard, and see if is says submitted. if there is nothing, re submit and it should go through.
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