Levitating table

Feb 8, 2008
Does anyone know where I can get a cheap blueprint for building a levitating table? I don't really feel like spending 250 bucks to buy an already built one since my dad owns a woodworking shop and I could just make it there. Thanks for the help.


theory11 moderator
If you're referring to something like the Losander floating tables, I guarantee that you won't be able to make one at home.

Then again, the Losander tables are a lot more than $250 if my memory serves me, you're probably looking at a rip off anyway, if you do raise the funds to pick one up they're great if that's the kind of thing you do, My good friend Marc Oberon picked one up from Losander recently and it looks and feels amazing.

Feb 8, 2008
So there's pretty much no way to get my hands on a set of blueprints, or is it just technically hard to construct? My father's an excellent craftsman of wood and has been doing it for thirty years about. He can construct almost anything if it comes down to me needing his help on it.
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