Magic Debate

Sep 30, 2007
Well, I am reading the work of Derren Brown right now, and he makes so much sense, and routines things to seem like real magic to the extent where spectators don't even consider IT or what have you. He makes each effect seem like an experience, which I love. He talks about not being a puzzle-maker or someone just showing off, but a link to something otherworldly. However, now I am debating to myself about how that affects all the other effects I have learned. So what do I do? Try and make a personal experience with emotional involvement out of something as simple as a color-change? I love Sankey's magic, but that is almost the polar opposite of what DB does. Because how can an ACR include emotional involvement, aside from just having their name on the card?

So is it OK to come across as just good at sleight-of-hand, or should I constantly strive for a real magic experience?

Thanks for your input everyone!
Oct 14, 2007
There's absolutely no need to change your entire performance style to fit around something you've seen done. Personally, most of my routine is stand up/comic stuff, but I can pull it back and do a creepy/serious trick if the mood feels right. Knowing when to approach magic from either way is the tricky part. . .just watch a lot of any magician and you can find polar performance styles in em.

(Check out Devil's Picture Book by DB. . .amazing stuff. . .)
Oct 11, 2007
You can blend all of it together. To see what i mean watch wayne houchin on youtube or some of the clips on here, you will see what i mean. Remember ANYONE can be taught sleight of hand but a true performer can make real magic. You can show magic in two ways the first way is 1.) a trick is showed, like the one you see friends do a party or 2.) you can show it as ART. Let me put it this way take a painter of example-- anyone can put panit on a canvus but a Artist put his soul on to the canvus and Artist can make you connect with the painting. An as a Magic Artist you do the same. Remember when you were the first time you saw magic? Do you remember how you felt.NEVER FORGET THAT, that is what we all as
Artist want to be able to give to the people watching. So you can either show them a TRICK or show the ART. I hope this help
Sep 30, 2007
Oh I love The Devil's Picturebook.

Yeah i see what you guys mean. And i don't want to sound like I want to copy him, even if he is one of the best out there. and I think it would be VERY difficult to change my repertoire to fit DB just because it is so expensive! lol
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