Magic vs. Religion

Sep 10, 2008
No, they aren’t an exception, they are the rule… you will find them everywhere, many of them toting a gun as well as white washing the financial records when it comes to income vs. the official treasury.

There is NOTHING anyone can tell me that would make me change my views as to what a “true” Christian is in today’s world. I’ve watched and seen it all over the years and there’s not a single one of them that live up to what that word is supposed to me or what JC himself tried to teach us to be via the actions he took in life.

Maybe that's saying something about the state that the West is in (in terms of Christianity) rather than Christianity itself.
Aug 16, 2010
Seattle, WA

William Draven,

I'm sorry that you misunderstood me. I was talking about people who really DON'T know ANYTHING about Christian dogma and pretend or really believe that they do. I now understand that insult could be easily construed by the wrong person from my post so I have edited it, making clearer what I really meant. Again, I apologize for this misunderstanding.
I will stand up and defend anyone’s right to believe as they wish but not when their beliefs trespass on the lives and rights of others. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian, atheist, Buddhist or what have you, if you are trying to force people into following your version of “the truth” you are in the wrong, it’s that simple. Similarly, if you are not applying the standards and teachings of your faith, you have absolutely no right to express any form of dismay, accusation or condemnation towards others, but especially those who are not directly challenging or interfering with YOUR life.

I'm Sikh and I agree ^
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