Magician Essentials

Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
What do you think every magician should have or keep in their bags (ie; goings to gigs or a show)?

Besides - Sharpies, cards, performance material, and the other *obvious* items.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
It sounds like you are asking what to bring besides the props you are going to use. Here is what I bring:

Black Table Cloth / Table (if not provided)
Lists of Props for Effects In Order of Use (check when packing and when setting up)
Music System With Cues for Assistant
Cloth Handkerchiefs (in case you are sweating or need to wipe your hands)
Bottle of Coke and a Bottle of Water
Altoids Breath Mints
Business Cards


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2010
Perth, Australia
It sounds like you are asking what to bring besides the props you are going to use. Here is what I bring:

Black Table Cloth / Table (if not provided)
Lists of Props for Effects In Order of Use (check when packing and when setting up)
Music System With Cues for Assistant
Cloth Handkerchiefs (in case you are sweating or need to wipe your hands)
Bottle of Coke and a Bottle of Water
Altoids Breath Mints
Business Cards

Man I have to remember that cloth handkerchief one. I sweat all the time it's rediculous. :p
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Jan 26, 2017
I don't have experience with gigs, but for a standup/street setting, I always hide a back-up reveal for a way out in my wallet in case I mess up. If I don't end up using it, it's good performance material too.
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Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
It sounds like you are asking what to bring besides the props you are going to use. Here is what I bring:

Black Table Cloth / Table (if not provided)
Lists of Props for Effects In Order of Use (check when packing and when setting up)
Music System With Cues for Assistant
Cloth Handkerchiefs (in case you are sweating or need to wipe your hands)
Bottle of Coke and a Bottle of Water
Altoids Breath Mints
Business Cards
That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you :)
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Mine will vary depending on whether it's a strolling, parlor, or hypnosis oriented gig.

For parlor, the only "Extra" things I bring are -
Handkerchief - Though I rarely sweat much on stage, never hurts to be prepared.
Two tables, one holds my prop case, one I do "work" on. Cloths for both tables.
I write my set list on a sheet of glossy "whiteboard" paper. Before I leave, this allows me to double-check I have everything. During set up, it allows me to organize the props so I can get to them efficiently. For the show, I put the sheet on the inside of the lid of my prop case, so only I can see it. That gives me a reminder if I need it, but it also just calms my OCD down. Also a good place to hid a crib sheet, if you ever need one.
Water bottle - I have at least one which I will not touch until the show. Sometimes I get horrible dry mouth.

For strolling -
I'll write out my routines on the dry-erase paper and keep that in my notebook for a reminder if I need it. I generally divide the gig in to sections and will do certain routines for each section. That allows me to have a variety of material without bogging down my pockets.
I'll keep at least one "showpiece" routine in the bag in case I feel the need to impress anyone extra-special.

For hypno gigs -
For these I just have either a set list (for a stand up show) or essentially a list of routines I can do to jog my memory in case I feel I'm doing the same routines for everyone.
Extra water bottles. All the talking involved usually dries out my throat and a lot of times if it's a strolling gig I have to talk over music and such which makes it even worse.

I think a lot of the "Extra" stuff you end up taking to a gig will develop as you get more performances under your belt. I know folks who take beta blockers before gigs because they get terrible stage fright. An aerialist friend takes one shot of whiskey 45 minutes before she's to go on to calm her nerves (never any more than that, though). Another sideshow guy I know brings his rats with him to performances. They're not part of the show, but they serve as a kind of service/comfort animal. Everyone develops their own routines for doing their best shows.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
Mine will vary depending on whether it's a strolling, parlor, or hypnosis oriented gig.

For parlor, the only "Extra" things I bring are -
Handkerchief - Though I rarely sweat much on stage, never hurts to be prepared.
Two tables, one holds my prop case, one I do "work" on. Cloths for both tables.
I write my set list on a sheet of glossy "whiteboard" paper. Before I leave, this allows me to double-check I have everything. During set up, it allows me to organize the props so I can get to them efficiently. For the show, I put the sheet on the inside of the lid of my prop case, so only I can see it. That gives me a reminder if I need it, but it also just calms my OCD down. Also a good place to hid a crib sheet, if you ever need one.
Water bottle - I have at least one which I will not touch until the show. Sometimes I get horrible dry mouth.

For strolling -
I'll write out my routines on the dry-erase paper and keep that in my notebook for a reminder if I need it. I generally divide the gig in to sections and will do certain routines for each section. That allows me to have a variety of material without bogging down my pockets.
I'll keep at least one "showpiece" routine in the bag in case I feel the need to impress anyone extra-special.

For hypno gigs -
For these I just have either a set list (for a stand up show) or essentially a list of routines I can do to jog my memory in case I feel I'm doing the same routines for everyone.
Extra water bottles. All the talking involved usually dries out my throat and a lot of times if it's a strolling gig I have to talk over music and such which makes it even worse.

I think a lot of the "Extra" stuff you end up taking to a gig will develop as you get more performances under your belt. I know folks who take beta blockers before gigs because they get terrible stage fright. An aerialist friend takes one shot of whiskey 45 minutes before she's to go on to calm her nerves (never any more than that, though). Another sideshow guy I know brings his rats with him to performances. They're not part of the show, but they serve as a kind of service/comfort animal. Everyone develops their own routines for doing their best shows.
Thank you very much. That's extremely helpful
Mar 4, 2018
I like to bring a personal music player with me and listen to a playlist I created to kind of take me out of my personal life and focus on the character I'm trying to present on stage. It also helps me relax.
Jul 26, 2016
One item that I always bring to a stand-up or stage show that is tremendously useful is a large gift bag with nice art work on it that is attractive to look at. I use it as what is sometimes referred to as a "ditch bag." I typically have a nice wooden chest with Chinese characters on it, which holds my props, and which sits open on a small folding table. My list of routines in the order in which they will be performed is taped to the inside of the lid of the chest, where it's plainly visible to me

After taking out the prop(s) for a routine from the chest and using them, I simply drop them into the bag (which sits on the floor) at the completion of the routine, no muss, no fuss, and repeat the process for each routine. Out with the old; in with the new. The combination of the chest, the list and the bag keeps things nicely organized and from getting cluttered, and prevents me from getting confused (which happens really easily LOL).


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Lists of Props for Effects In Order of Use (check when packing and when setting up)

I write my set list on a sheet of glossy "whiteboard" paper. Before I leave, this allows me to double-check I have everything. During set up, it allows me to organize the props so I can get to them efficiently. For the show, I put the sheet on the inside of the lid of my prop case, so only I can see it. That gives me a reminder if I need it, but it also just calms my OCD down. Also a good place to hid a crib sheet, if you ever need one.

My list of routines in the order in which they will be performed is taped to the inside of the lid of the chest, where it's plainly visible to me.

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