Muscle Pass.... Flourish's ?

Jan 19, 2009
ok, so i just learnt the muscle pass and i thought that it would be great for some coin flourishes?..... i would like some comments on my muscle pass video and some constructive criticism on how to make it better

one little extra at the end its a possible muscle pass flourish.... you show your hands aparently empty (which i didnt do in the video because therre was little point).... explain that sometimes magicians can make coins apear from no-where but sometimes drop them.... i have a way to solve this ....(pop the coin out of your hand pretend to try and catch it, kick it with your foot making it land back in your hand)

this would go with my routine where i get a spectator to try and copy my movements its like a comical routine
anyway here is the video please tell me how i could make this any better :)
Apr 1, 2009
You have a very enjoyable personality. I thought I'd mention that, because 90% of the people on here posting videos like this have very hard to watch personalities. So, there's a plus. I believe I've seen this done before.
Jan 27, 2011
Personally there would be no difference if you tossed the coin in the air rather than a muscle pass. When you perform anti gravity don't say in your patter the word "toss" because that's the opposite of what your trying to display, id use a work like "release" or "open" the hand. You really need to let them get a feeling of no gravity.
Jan 19, 2009
thanks for the comments !.... yes you are correct about the diference between the muslce pass and teh trowoing but i will be showing my hand empty and then the coin seems to 'pop' out of no-where .... its sortof a routine demonstrating skill :) thanks for the help though i shall defonatly change the patter :D
Jan 19, 2009
thanks alot i try and throw my own personality in their alot, if your not yourself.... really what the point ? :) and ohhh i would love to see that :D
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