My First Gig

Jul 26, 2008
I finally have my first gig, and let me tell you, I'm excited. More so that I think I've ever been, but I'm terrified. This is my first gig, and even though I've been performing for about three years now, I have no idea as to what I'm getting into, as it's my first time. I was asked to do some strolling magic during a large new years eve party at a local restaurant. I have a routine planned that the owners loved, but I'm still worried. I know I have to buck up, and just perform, (Which I plan on doing) but if anyone has any advice that they think would be helpful I'd love to hear it.
Mar 29, 2008
This is a hard one to advise on, because anything I say will be a piece of a larger tapistry.

I guess I will tell you things that I wish someone said to me when I did my first gig.

1 - Don't be nervous, use that nervous energy and turn it into confident energy that shows you love magic.

2 - Try to imagine what the show will be like - think about how the effects will play, and link to another.

3 - Try to pack small, but be able to play big. Limit effects that time long set up. I sometimes keep a small pouch hidden by the bar, or under a table, that allows me to reset my pockets quickly with new material or already set things that take long reset.

4 - Listen and learn - performing is a growing and learning experience - plan on 3 mistakes and how you will handle them. Listen to the audience for their feedback. Don't take yourself too seriously.

5 - Most importantly, have fun. This is why you practice!
Jul 26, 2008
I want to start by saying thanks for the advice, and anything anyone else has to say would be eagerly received.

I've got a simple coins and cards routine set up, so it's light. The only thing I'm going to need a refill on are napkins, and dupes of a few cards, both of which are going to be behind the bar, and in the track leading to the kitchen, so that no matter where I am I can quickly grab what I need.

My routine has been in planning for about a month now, and I'm only using the material that I'm comfortable with, and that I've been performing for a good period of time. (As to know my outs, and how to handle mistakes properly.)

I know I'm going to be nervous, but I'm going to try and build off my nerves like you said. I look at every performance as a learning experience for myself. It's my chance to evaluate myself, and my actions, and try to apply what I, and the audience see and perceive to better myself. The only difference here is that this is a big performance, and I should have a lot to learn.

I want to thank you again for the advice, and encourage anyone else who think they might be able to help in any was to please give me your thoughts and ideas.
May 7, 2009
im a young magician and i have had a couple gigs and the number one thing i would say is be confident and make connections. You are going to want to start with a couple quick hitters. dont go into your favorite ace assembly because the audience will lose intrest fast. if you can dont start with cards. try to do something quick but if you do have to try to do an ACR or something to grab the attension.
Be confident, go up and don't be afraid of being turned down. 9 of 10 times the laymen will be thrilled to see a magician.
hope this helps
Jul 26, 2008
I plan on opening with a coin production and vanish sequence, and ending with a coin to card box to lead into my card part of my routine, so my routine seems to fit pretty well with your advice.

I think my only problem may be confidence for the first table or two. I think that once I get a few reactions, and really get to see that people are enjoying what I'm doing I'll be okay.

Again, I want to thank everyone for the advice. Anything anyone has to say will be taken into consideration.
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