MY PC1 Coin&Pen Routine

Oct 11, 2007
It was a avery well-rehearsed routine for sure. Most of your moves are just fine and look great! But when it comes time for a change/switch or reappearance, really go back and watch yourself do it again. Try to relax not only yourself during those times but your hands need to seem relaxed and natural as well. Try doing the moves with one coin first as if it were real magic, just so you can see and feel what it would be like if you weren't hiding something else within your hands.

I hope I was of some assistance!

Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
You say you came up with some original moves to fix problems- May I ask what the problems were? I ask because I perform a few pen and coin routines and I'd say 95% of the moves or choreography I use is other creators work and I'd say the moves I'm used to are a lot less... conspicuous. I'm all for development and creating believe me, but I feel some of the moves on display here may be a step backwards.

Sorry if my critique comes off as rude, I honestly don't intend to be.

Sep 4, 2007
Chesterfield, MI
Regarding PC1 Coin and Pen Routine - Premise?

Hi - Congrats on putting your magic out there in the world of YouTube!
(I like the Spiderman / Hulk picture in the background)

As for the effect, let me start by asking "What is the premise" of the effect?

One of the lessons I learned about 11 years ago was from one of my magic mentors - Ron Bauer - on the importance of establishing a premise for a trick. After all WHY is the audience watching you? What is the overall plot of the presentation?

The effect is a mashup of a lot of different moves. However, from an audience perspective what is the reason for the juggling of the coin, pen and coin changes?

If you think about the premise of the trick and establish a plot of where you want the trick to go, you'll find your can shorten the effect and still have those WOW moments.

WHAT IF... you wanted to demonstrate the old trick of vanishing a coin. In the 1500s-1800s, magicians typically used a magic wand...since we're not at Hogwarts and are modern day conjurers, we settle on a pen .

In bringing out the pen, can you introduce the pen vanish, then the reappearance, then the coin vanish, then a final pen vanish to end the effect?

Gregory Wilson's Off the Cuff video and Rune Klan have some interesting ideas with pens that can be incorporated into coin work. They all have a beginning, middle and ending too.

Hope that helps.

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