Mystique - How much of it is impromptu?

Dec 30, 2007
Hey all, I am starting to move away from gimmicked/set-up'd card magic and into impromptu magic-It feels easier to routine if I can pick something up at any time. So how much of Mystique is impromptu? And is there any rehash from his ebooks? Thanks.
Jun 22, 2008
I have to say thats what i really loved about this DVD. All the effects are very practical and require almost no set-up. Its great!
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
One needs a dupe.

One works better with odd back cards but it is not important.

One requires about 10-15 seconds setup.

The sandwich effects require a few seconds set up.

Ace's Require a Few seconds setup.
Dec 30, 2007
One needs a dupe.

One works better with odd back cards but it is not important.

One requires about 10-15 seconds setup.

The sandwich effects require a few seconds set up.

Ace's Require a Few seconds setup.

Wow, thank you for what I assume is a much more honest assessment. Drats, I guess I'll be looking elsewhere then.
Apr 28, 2008
Wow, thank you for what I assume is a much more honest assessment. Drats, I guess I'll be looking elsewhere then.

You're going to get something else simply because a couple of the tricks have a minor setup that can quite easily be done in front of spectators?
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
It is well worth the setup on every effect.

Almost every sandwich effect requires a setup. You could use like the 2 of hearts and the 7 of spades but it does not look anywhere near as impressive or nice in general. Taking out a pair of mates is completely natural as it is within context.

Ace's is a great lead in to so many great tricks.

And 10 to 15 second set up. For a reputation making effect. That is simply a no brainier. Or so I thought.
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