New Materials

Jul 27, 2012
I've been practicing magic for a while now relying only on Youtube, The Wire, and The Expert at the Card Table. So what I've been wondering is what are some good magic dvds. I know that the trilogy is good but how good in particular?
Mar 16, 2012
the trilogy is a very tough dvd, and alot of the stuff on it you wouldnt even practice to an audience anyway. Its alot of flashy and difficult stuff but if thats what your into by all means go for it. a good gimmicked trick is rapture by edward boswell, If you want something with a bunch of tricks on one dvd i would go with the daniel garcia project or maybe even some of jay sankeys work.
Jan 11, 2011
I agree with chriswiehl, these would be first go-to dvds I would recommend. But if you'd like to take your magic to another level, I'd rather suggest joining the magic club. These places already often have big libraries of dvds, but you can also learn from the real people and find the mentor. It's a great way to progress, just a thought :)
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