New Website Help (I need the community)

Dec 3, 2013
Hey guys, I have an idea for a cardistry website that posts news about cardistry and cardists, tutorials, various cardist bios, etc. Since theory11 is one of the biggest community of cardists, i wanted to run the idea by the community. So please tell me what you think of this idea, If you would use it or not, or if you think it will thrive in the community.
Thanks so much!
Sep 2, 2007
Hey guys, I have an idea for a cardistry website that posts news about cardistry and cardists, tutorials, various cardist bios, etc. Since theory11 is one of the biggest community of cardists, i wanted to run the idea by the community. So please tell me what you think of this idea, If you would use it or not, or if you think it will thrive in the community.
Thanks so much!

At the moment, I don't really think you've given us enough information to judge. However, here are my thoughts from what you've said.

At the moment, is the goto place for cardistry tutorials. If you're going to post tutorials as well then your site needs to be different from, or better than, them in some way. Do you know how you'll achieve that?

Regarding cardist bios and news, what sort of format would this be in and how often would it be updated? Is there really enough news in the world of cardistry to keep something like this updated regularly? If there aren't regular updates then the site will quickly stop getting visitors.

It seems to me that you're basically describing a blog about cardistry. If you want to make one just for the fun of it and to be part of the cardistry community, then go for it. If you think this is going to become a business in some way then you probably need to be a bit clearer on your aims.
Dec 3, 2013
technically, i would probably have a blog about cardistry along with tutorials and my own personal videos from youtube. I like what ypu said about its more about being for the fun and to be part of the community.

Thanks You from the response!
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