Omega Mutation or Past Midnight?

Jan 25, 2008
I really need your guys help on this one.. I dont know which to choose they are both around the same price but can anyone like guide me to which one is better?

And is there any other card magic dvd you guys could recommend me that arent that expensive lets say less than 30$?

Sep 4, 2007
Well omega mutation is good, it is a begginer and intermediate skill level with some nice ideas. If you are a hardcore sleight of hand worker then past midnight is for you, i love past midnight but keep in mind that there are beautifull routines that involve palming, culling, bottom deals, passes, false shuffles/ cuts. They are hard but amazing. The mutation is easier with just as nice routines. I like them both.
there is something for everybody in both dvd, i should know i own both. I you are a real world worker. PAST MIDNIGHT all the way. There is this one really nice effect using a "gimmicked deck" one time setup that hits real hard. theres not alot of palming in Past midnight it's pretty much alot of learning applications mixed in to learning effect.

Omega, i was (sorry) not impressed. Too expensive for what you get. the quality of the effects are not over the top for the price. I felt like i got a deal when i bought past midnight, not so much with omega.
Oct 9, 2007
I would definately say Past Midnight. The first two disks where great to watch and he teaches some incredibly valuable sleights, some brand new, which are fantastic. He does expect you to know things like the cull and the pass as he doesn't teach these to you, but everything he does teach, he teaches very well!

The mentalism DVD is just brilliant. The preview is exactly what you're getting. There is a few set-ups in the third DVD unlike the other two, but the third DVD is almost self working.

Well woth it in my opinion...
Sep 4, 2007
there is something for everybody in both dvd, i should know i own both. I you are a real world worker. PAST MIDNIGHT all the way. There is this one really nice effect using a "gimmicked deck" one time setup that hits real hard. theres not alot of palming in Past midnight it's pretty much alot of learning applications mixed in to learning effect.

Omega, i was (sorry) not impressed. Too expensive for what you get. the quality of the effects are not over the top for the price. I felt like i got a deal when i bought past midnight, not so much with omega.

Which effect is gimmicked? The two card transpo on disc 3? Cant remember off the top of my head, thanks
Oct 11, 2007
Past Midnight

There is no question about it buddy. Past midnight is all about techniques. There are some sick tricks don't get me wrong. But learn what he teaches on those videos. It will make you come up with some insane tricks on your own. He lets you invent things on your own if your willling to work at it. Plus hes just amazing. Think about getting this, and get Derren Browns Devils picturebook. Those two dvds will open your eyes to things your not thinking about now with your card magic.
Heres a tip, think about doing some mentalism tricks you learn with past midnight, and add some sleeving techniques with cards. You can make thoughts come and go with a deck of cards. Just amazing, im an experienced card handler, but past midnight is more then what you learn in other places. VERY HAPPY WITH IT.
Sep 2, 2007
I've got to cast my vote for Past Midnight too. Whatever your style of card magic, I guarantee you'll find a plethora of ideas that you can use. Whether you're looking for new sleights, full routines, or some innovative thinking to inspire your own creations, you'll find it here.
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
If you want killer twists on classic routines like collectors, triumph and transpo's then get Past Midnight. I don't know about Omega Mutation but Ben Earl is brilliant.
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