Opening gambit

Oct 30, 2014
Hi I am working in opening gambit tricks (tricks to perform to approach a table without saying anything of magic) and i´d love to listen to your ideas.

Thanks, Juan.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I've said this so many times that even I am getting tired of hearing it. Social skills are probably the most important thing a performer, particularly a magician, needs to learn.
Oct 30, 2014
But i live in a small town in Spain, where there isn´t any kind of restaurant entreteinement, and no one knows about it.I just want to do restaurant magic to become a better performer, i don´t have any economical interest, and if i ask anyone if they want to see a trick in a restaurant no one will acept, even doing it free there isn´t any restaurant witch would allow me. But with an opening gambit things became easier and people would know the level of the magic and would like to see more.
Jul 22, 2013
if i ask anyone if they want to see a trick in a restaurant no one will acept,

That's why you don't ask anyone if they'd like to see a quick trick. I'd suggest making sure you have some effects you can do with either food or the table settings at these restaurants. Something along the lines of, "Hi there, my name's Juan, and I couldn't help but notice that it looks like you guys are running out of sugar packets, let me get you some more" and having some appear at the wave of a hand. I mean, that's not the best idea, but you should get the drift. Just don't tell them you're about to perform.

However, your biggest problem seems like it would be the restaurant. You say no restaurant would allow you to perform magic, so why would it matter whether or not a customer likes your tricks? The restaurant owner won't let you just stand at a table doing a routine, even if the diners requested to see more. It seems like a better option would be just going to a park or a public square.
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