Out of Sleight - Cameron Francis - Big Blind Media - Card Tricks

Dec 1, 2012
Creator: Cameron Francis
Publisher: Big Blind Media
MSRP: $ 30
Skill Level: all
DVD Run time:

Type of effect: DVD with 10 card tricks, all self-working

Manufacturer's Write Up:

Ten incredible full routines that require NO SLEIGHT OF HAND! Zero Sleights, 100% AWESOME!

Employing both ingenious construction and the cleverest of devious methods, the material in 'Out Of Sleight' requires no sleight of hand skills, yet is utterly fooling. Using just some playing cards, a pen and a few business cards these ten routines will arm you with miracles! And with no worries about complicated sleight of hand, you can just concentrate on presenting your magic like a rockstar.

Cameron Francis, your genial host, will not only train you up in the required handling for each routine, he will also unleash performance advice and show you how to improve your magic. So let's get OUT OF SLEIGHT!


Out Of This Packet
Sleightless Sightless
Find The Kings
Humming Words
Gemini Annihilator
Date Fate How accurate is the ad copy? Spot on accurate, these effects are not only easy to do, but they are also not "throw aways" - there is something on here for everyone.

What's in the box? DVD only, no gimmicks or gaffs

Key points:

  • 10 great tricks
  • no filler
  • easy to learn
  • it's even fun to watch!

How are the production values: Shot in HD, well lit, well microphoned and the assistants who help Cameron on this are gorgeous! (so everything is enjoyable to look at)

Two studios, one for performances and a second "kitchen" area where Cameron and Liam Montier go over the effects

Is it well taught: Cameron really knows his audience and caters to it. No long drawn out explanations where he wastes your time, he gets right to the explanation and very quickly you are grasping the mechanics of each effect.

My thoughts (what I personally liked/disliked): I loved that this was a combination of both some classicly published effects (with a twist) some familiar "plots" and some brand new stuff I'd never seen.

Does it "play big?" I think a lot of the card jockey's run away from the words "self-working" as if a self-working effect couldn't produce a strong reaction. Sure, you probably could not fool a magician with some of these, but several on here could fry a lay person easily.

How practical is this in the real world? (can it really be done?) That's the best part of this DVD, so many of these are practical miracles for the times when someone throws a deck of cards at you and says, "do a card trick."

Overall score: 10/10

+ If you want to see my full review with even more of my opinions and ideas you can visit this link:
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