Passing Thru / Descent

Jan 12, 2009
I would say it depends on your performance preference and surroundings. If you know you might be working where there are glass tables often, the go with descent. But if you are performing walk around, and you hope people have glass bottles, then passing through may be more suitable for you. It all comes down to working at a table or standing up in the hands. Good luck with you choice.
Dec 18, 2008
Passing Thru is good, but it requires a gimmick.

Descent is surprisingly simple and the method is clever, but it does not work on all glass tables and it is quite impractical.

I don't like both, really, although Passing Thru gets reasonably fair reactions, Descent is quite rubbish in my opinion.

I generally do not like Kevin Parker's work. Quite impractical, poor quality.


Jun 9, 2008
Passing thru out of the two but your money is better spent.

Out of the two i like passing thru better. More practical. Id rather not have to go around looking for a glass table to do decent. Now a glass bottle. That's a little more available. I know it's off topic but, does Kevin Parker's instructional videos drive anyone else nuts? God I can't stand his voice! It's like the blue collar magic tour! "Everyone please put your hands together for Larry the cable guy doing his rendition of Harry Houdini's chinese water torture cell in a vat of Miller High Life! haha! Now that would be entertaining. Kevin Parker?...not so much.
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