Pasteboard Worker's Series - Sans Minds Magic

Dec 1, 2012
Creator: Sans Minds Magic
Publisher: Sans Minds Magic
MSRP: $ 35
Skill Level: intermediate
DVD Run time: 53 mins

Type of effect: Card tricks for the working professional

Manufacturer's Write Up:

Pasteboard from the SansMinds Worker's Series is a project designed to serve the working magicians. Every piece in this card magic collection is selected with the highest standard considering its commercial value, practicality, angles, and the venue these effects cater to. The effects range from close up, strolling situations, to live feed with a projection system. How accurate is the ad copy?

Very accurate

What's in the box?

53 minute DVD and a single gimmick

Key points:

5 strong effects, all keepers, no fillers

How are the production values:

Great, all shot in HD, great camera views, well taught, everything you'd expect from SansMinds

Is it well made: Yes

Is it well taught:

This is the first time I have seen Jason teach a SansMinds video, he's very soft spoken and his accent is thick, but I don't think it detracts from the teaching.

My thoughts (what I personally liked/disliked):

I liked that they took their time with five effects rather than cram the disc full of filler and throw always. You get almost an hour of solid instruction and if cards are your thing, there is easily something here for you.

Storage? Does it "pack flat?"

Just card tricks

How practical is this in the real world? Does it "play big?"

These are not the card tricks from the 1900s, or from the back of Boys Life magazines, all five of these tricks are stunners and highly commercial.

Overall score: 9/10

+ If you want to see my full review with even more of my opinions and ideas you can visit this link:
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