Performance video of some stand up coin routines

May 2, 2010
Hi guys,

This is just a couple of coin routines I've been working on for the past few weeks There are three 'routines' here (1 coin, 3 coins, and then introducing other coins).I hope you enjoy the performances (even though there aren't any spectators - sorry!) and some of the ideas I've come up with to involve at least 1 spectator in EVERY routine.

There are no gaffs used - I'm only a beginner so I'm trying to work on my technique first and foremost.

Here's the link: (please watch in 480p high quality)

This is NOT something I'm simply showcasing - and it's not at all a finished product. Really, I'm after constructive criticism on my routine construction and execution

Please bear in mind that I've only been into coin magic for around 6 months now - hence I'm still working on my technique and performance every single day.

Credits: John Ramsay, Geoffrey Latta, David Williamson, Michael Rubinstein, Tim Feher
Other inspirations: Jay Sankey (Revolutionary Coin Magic FTW!), Tom Stone, Troy Hooser, Tony Slydini, J B Bobo

I'm sure there are a LOT more people who have inspired me over the past 6 months. Also I hope I've paid homage as far as crediting goes

I really would appreciate it if you could take a look and give some critique. Thank you so much for watching!

- Tanay
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