
Jun 5, 2008
What are some good pointers on practice. I want to know if anyone has any good direction on this subject. I need a little help developing a good practice habit or routine for practicing. I practice often. Especialy with all this time i have waiting to get called out on a fire. But i am just all over the place when i do it. I will do one trick maybe twice, get caried away, and move to another untell i lose my self. Any good tips? Thanks for any help you can give me.
Nov 17, 2007
Well. I wish I could help you but I really don't have any pointers. Whenever I practice, I always have something to practice one. I guess just don't be working on too many tricks or flourishes at one time. Stick to one, master it, then move on. Hope this helped.
Sep 1, 2007
My personal suggestion... read a book about it. I also recommend Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz. I't slengthy, but it's a damn great book about mostly anything. It's theory, but if you go by that and start altering your magic and make it organized, such as following his routine building tips, then i can garuntee you will have much more confidence and success.
Jan 4, 2008
When i practice i dont even realize it. the best practice anyone can do is when it feels like you have perfected something but yet your mind goes straight for that "thing" and starts practicing.
Sep 17, 2007
For me, when I practice I actually break up the move (if its a flourish). So say I'm doing DM's Syble Helix, I'll practice the opener like 20 times, then move on to the revolution another 20 times, then the packet spin 20 times, then the closer 20 times, then all together 20 times. Once I'm done with that I go over to the mirror and do it 20 times to ensure I'm getting my angles correct. If my fingers still have feeling by then I'll just keep doing and repeating to improve my speed.

For magic, most of the time I just practice two aspects. Firstly, the coordination of my patter with my actions, and secondly, the actual sleights itself. The latter I do in front of a mirror at different heights and different angles so I know where I flash and where I don't. Last practice, find some of your mates and try to impress them. Its kinda rewarding and you get real life practice so to speak. If you flash or screw up well, that's why they're called your mates.
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