Preserve cards

Dec 11, 2013
I've been having a problem with my cards: the slippery finish they have once you open the box is disappearing way too fast. I sometimes get sweaty hands once I'm about to perform and I think that is ruining the cards. I thought about getting some talcum powder on my hands and it does work for a while. I just don't know if it is good for the cards and, if it is, do you guys think I should put the talcum powder directly on the cards instead of on my hands?

Thanks in advance!
Happy new year!
Apr 26, 2013
North East
Hey Ricky, that has happened to me before too. Something I have done is once the cards feel like they don't have that really good feeling of the finish that they started with I will put the cards in cornstarch. The cornstarch takes the oil which gets on the cards from your hands off. The cards only need to be in the cornstarch for like ten minutes. I would suggest putting the deck in a bowl, then pouring cornstarch on it the deck is mostly covered then shake it so the deck is completely "soaked" in it. Afterwards square the deck and riffle up and down the front and back. The cornstarch that is left will get off the cards and if there is still some do some springs and dribbles and it should all come off. One last thing i would suggest is that you try this first on a cheap deck to make sure that this works for you. Hope that helps Ricky.
Apr 17, 2013
The powder and cornstarch are both bad idea. Make sure you keep your hands clean. Store your cards in a cool dry place. Keep a towl with you and change out decks.
Apr 17, 2013
Krab I agree but this is for a deck that has already been ruined. I do the same thing as you are saying and Ricky, Krab has sound advice.

This is why I use bikes. I get them for $13 a brick. Between practice signed cards card on ceiling building my own gaffs spilled drinks it doesn't matter I'm spending about a dollar a deck. And I do very little card work during my normal gigs. I do have an old time riverboat type gambling theme show but really at a dollar a deck you can afford to just toss them.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Most playing cards are not made to last forever. Specially if you use them a lot, but this is pretty much not a big deal if your buying regular bikes at like 1 or 2 bucks a pack. But if you're using those super custom neato decks. You're going to be spending way too much money on them a month. Personally, I don't mind using old cards. If I can do tough sleights with an old deck, then I can do them with a new deck. Most of the smart performers will tell you to learn how to use BOTH.
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