Prize Winners - 2007 Contest

8. 1-on-1 Live : One Hour Online Jam Session via Live Video Conference with the theory11 artist of your choice.

10. Be the star : Win the chance to have the theory11 production team produce and edit a video YOU shoot (of flourishing OR magic) to be posted in the media section of the site.

11. Launch Party : An all access invitation for you and a friend to the theory11 launch party in early 2008. Meet, hang out with, and learn from the theory11 artists and get the inside scoop on upcoming projects. All hotel expenses covered by theory11 + invitation access.

So, what happened with these guys?

Where is the Video?
How was the Jam?
How was the Party?

Sorry if I missed it, but I cant remember seeing it posted.

Aug 31, 2007
A friend of mine won #10. He submitted the video quite a while ago, but hasn't heard anything back yet from the T11 people.
Jan 24, 2008
A friend of mine won #10. He submitted the video quite a while ago, but hasn't heard anything back yet from the T11 people.

Hello, I was the guy who won number#10. I sent the video to theory 11 about 3 months ago, I guess they have not got around to making.
Nov 23, 2007
Thats pretty damn slack...

When has T11 ever not made anything right....


He sent it in during August or September. Thats 8 or 9 months after the contest ended. They may have not known what it was or were not expecting it and it got lost in the suffle of other vids.

Take a breather for a minute and give them a chance to repond to this thread.
Nov 23, 2007
Not answering about what is happening with either the Image Submissions, or The Wire haha :p

Ha. OK but they did answer about the wire. They said when they want to let us know they will.

It's like what my car mechanic said when I asked when my car would be ready.

"Whenever I'm finished."


SVP, theory11
Team member
Aug 5, 2007
Thought I'd chime in here.

1. The live video chat was done months ago with Daniel Madison and was not a public thing.

2. We received Ryan's footage a few months back and it is - in fact - fully edited. We had some technical difficulties with the system we used for the post production, but they've been resolved and we'll be sending this out to you (Ryan) ASAP.

3. We're in contact with the Grand Prize winner to arrange mutually convenient dates to party it up Vegas-style.

Hope this clears things up! Rest assured, we didn't forget about anyone.
Jan 24, 2008
Thought I'd chime in here.

1. The live video chat was done months ago with Daniel Madison and was not a public thing.

2. We received Ryan's footage a few months back and it is - in fact - fully edited. We had some technical difficulties with the system we used for the post production, but they've been resolved and we'll be sending this out to you (Ryan) ASAP.

3. We're in contact with the Grand Prize winner to arrange mutually convenient dates to party it up Vegas-style.

Hope this clears things up! Rest assured, we didn't forget about anyone.

Thank you very much. I know you guys work very hard, and I was more than happy to wait.
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