PSYPHER/Univeral Impression

May 3, 2008
You can't just use any pen with this as the gimmick is a pen. You can use basically any pad, it just needs a bit of work done to it first. You may need a refill if your pen runs out of ink. It's quite a good device that I use often with a pack of cards. It's an impression device so you can predict a lot of things but if you can't read the spectator's handwriting, you may be in trouble.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia

Im very interested in buying this. But before I do, I have a few questions.

Will this work with any pen and pad?
Will it ever need refills?
Is it really what its said to be?


1. Not if you mean impromptu. You can set it up to work with a wide range of things, but not everything, and not impromptu.
2. Only if your pen runs out of ink. The gimmick does not need refills
3. Yes. It's not a new concept, but it works well. I've used it, and it works as it should.
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