Question about power of suggestion , hypnosis and influence

Oct 14, 2017
I'm a big fan of Derren Brown and love human psychology. Derren used a lot of magic tricks in his show and pretend to be using psychology to fool his audience. Love his presentation so much but I'm also fascinated by the use of 'true' psychology, suggestion and influence. For example, muscle reading and pendulum on his book trick of the mind, psychological force in his devil's picture book. Does anyone know where could I look for something similar that is genuinely based on suggestion and influence?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
It really depends on what you're trying to influence or suggest.

Authors to look out for: Luke Jeramy, Lewis Le Val, Kenton Knepper, Aaron Alexander, Fraser Parker, Chester Sass (a bit), Bill Montana, Bill Cushman, Jerome Finley ... these are all of varying levels of availability and pricing.

Most magic/mentalism presentations you'll see (particularly in modern performances, which are more often mental magic than mentalism) "influence" is just a script point and it's generally a force or multiple outs. However, if you check out Influence by Cialdini and learn some solid conversational skills, you're pretty well covered there.
Dec 29, 2017
Most magic/mentalism presentations you'll see (particularly in modern performances, which are more often mental magic than mentalism) "influence" is just a script point and it's generally a force or multiple outs.

AKA The Magician's Choice from what I understand? I want you to pick A when offering A or B and using the information gap in your deciding, you will always end up "selecting" A through clever wording.
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