Question about the Pass, help please ??

Hi everybody,

My name is Ryan and I have a question about the pass. By all means I'm the master at it but I consider myself doing it very well for being about a year into Magic. My question is do All Passes no matter who does it make some sort of noise ?! For instance when I do mine you can hear the cards go off of one another when I make the move. When people Master the pass is it completely silent ?? Does it make no noise at all ?? Or do All Passes no matter who does it makes very minimal amount noise ?? Just curious I guess basically what I'm asking is if you do it correctly should it be completely noiseless ?? It's driving me nuts I'm a little OCD LOL any help is appreciated thank you so much !!


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Also keep in mind that 90% of the time there will be some talking, music, noise going on while performing. Another good thing to do is use your motion of your body and hands to disguise the pass. For example: Make eye contact with the spectator as your hands move forward at waist level (execute pass) and then table the deck.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I suspect your problem is in the movement of the top packet. If I'm guessing the top packet is parallel to the bottom packet as you do the move. The first move should be an over then up so that the left inside corner of the deck clears the base of your right thumb before you move it up.

Second theory is that you are bringing up the bottom packet before the top packet is clear. Emphasis should be on smooth and not fast.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
One of the things I did to really make my pass more quiet was practice with two full decks. Going slowly to establish the mechanics and really stretch out my hands with the two decks really helped me get the move quiet and quick, easy to slip under anyone's radar.


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
One of the things I did to really make my pass more quiet was practice with two full decks. Going slowly to establish the mechanics and really stretch out my hands with the two decks really helped me get the move quiet and quick, easy to slip under anyone's radar.
I'm going to attempt this later. My small hands will hate me but my pass needs to be quieter.
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Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I also believe you should look into as many resources for the pass. Modify and experiment with grips , Take a look at The Expert at the Card Table description of the Two-Handed Shift. This my pass as of today and I started doing it almost as soon as I picked up card magic relatively 5 years ago. Also watch your angles on this one. DISCLAIMER: Mine is far from perfect so feel free to criticize.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
For what it's worth, I don't think you need to study anything other than EATCT's Two Handed Shift and Jason England's 1 on 1 here on T11.

Learn the classic pass well first. Then worry about the fancy versions. If you try to learn the fancy versions first, you probably won't understand what they are bringing to the table, and whether that actually helps you.
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Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
I first learned it from the Royal Road to Card Magic text, and then relearned it from Paul Wilson's Royal Road videos. I then got Richard Kaufmans video to develop it further and recently picked up Jason England's 1 on 1. The latter is an excellent download and I'm sorry I didn't pick it up sooner.

Not the ideal way for some but I love learning from a wide variety of people and sources.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I like Roberto Giobbi's description in Card College Volume 2. I found Kauffman's video difficult to follow - some of what he said actually didn't match up with what he was doing. The plus to that video is that it covers a bunch of different passes. Jason England's download is definitely worth getting.

Not the ideal way for some but I love learning from a wide variety of people and sources.

Actually, that is probably the best way to develop your own style and handling. I usually look at several (or more) different handlings of a move or a routine when I'm learning it.
Oct 6, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
I downloaded Jason England's video a few months ago and have been working on it a lot! I feel like it looks awful and I am not nearly ready to use it in a performance!
It is loud, and not smooth at all.
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Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
I downloaded Jason England's video a few months ago and have been working on it a lot! I feel like it looks awful and I am not nearly ready to use it in a performance!
It is loud, and not smooth at all.
I feel like I go through periods like this, and I've been doing the pass for years. I actually only use the pass for 1 trick because the misdirection is built right in. I may slip it into other tricks as a control now and then, but it'll depend on my confidence in the moment.
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Jason England

Elite Member
May 6, 2015
A classic pass without any covering actions may not be completely silent, but it shouldn't make anything more than the faintest whisper either. That said, there's a big difference between an excellent pass that you've developed over time and what will happen while you're learning the move. If you've been doing the pass for less than a year, forget about sound and just focus on proper mechanics. As you progress with the move, you can eventually experiment with various pressures and frictions (and the lack thereof) to try and smooth out your pass. And yes, eventually you can work on a super-smooth and nearly silent pass. But focusing on that goal too early can be detrimental to the overall learning process.

Baby steps.

Thank you everyone so much for your replies !!! Jason that is excellent advice thank you so much. That's always been my problem throughout my life is expecting myself to catch on to something and nail it right away. But in retrospect it does make me put in countless amount of hours and I will not stop practicing until I have this move damn LOL and I realize it could take years and years. I think the hardest part about being a beginner and a newbie in card magic is that you see so many awesome and great things and you want to learn it all in one shot and you can't. I really got to slow it down because I'm practicing flourishes fancy false Cuts tricks the pass and other moves. I just get so excited and so overwhelmed at the same time sometimes it's hard to figure out where to begin. Also I really like the idea somebody mentioned earlier I thought using two decks because my hands are bear mitts, I'm a very tall guy at six foot six in my hands are huge people tell me all the time LMAO. Baby steps it is thank you everybody so much for your input ....... So helpful. Have a great rest of the week everybody !!

Jason England

Elite Member
May 6, 2015
Having large hands will eventually be of great benefit to you. But, in the early days they can be a bit of a hindrance. Your fingers will occasionally compete with each other for valuable "real estate" on the backs and sides of a deck. Over time you'll work all of that out and you'll be glad you have large hands - there's definitely some things you'll be able to do easily that others will struggle with. It'll come.

Oct 6, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
I feel like I go through periods like this, and I've been doing the pass for years. I actually only use the pass for 1 trick because the misdirection is built right in. I may slip it into other tricks as a control now and then, but it'll depend on my confidence in the moment.

I don't need to use it for anything that I would perform right now but since getting into magic and learning about what the pass is and if done well it can look amazing on its own. When I watch the Jason England video I know what he is doing and still can't see it which is crazy to me. It is something I have been wanting to learn and do it well because to someone who knows what is going on it looks like actual magic to me!
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